VSCode Shortcut to Speed Up Your Coding
Hello are you doing well? if not then this time I will give you tips and tricks that can make your situation better. previously in building websites, what text editor made you most comfortable? of the many text editors maybe most people will choose vscode, why? because apart from being free, vscode also has a variety of plugins to offer so that it can make your work easier.
But there is one thing that is always overlooked in terms of ease of use in vscode, namely the shortcut. actually with shortcuts you can speed up your coding.
Therefore in this article I summarize some of the vscode shortcuts that I always use to speed up my coding time:
Open/Close Sidebar
- Windows : Ctrl + B
- Mac : Ctrl + B
- Linux : Ctrl + B
Command Palette
- Windows : Ctrl + Shift + P
- Mac : Cmd + Shift + P
- Linux : Ctrl + Shift + P
Copy line up/down
- Windows : Shift + Alt + Up/Down
- Mac : Shift + Option + Up/Down
- Linux : Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Up/Down
Split Editor
- Windows : Ctrl + \
- Mac : Cmd + \
- Linux : Ctrl + \
add selection 2 or more blocked word
- Windows : Ctrl + D
- Mac : Ctrl + D
- Linux : Ctrl + D
Delete previous word
- Windows : Ctrl + Backspace
- Mac : Ctrl + Backspace
- Linux : Ctrl + Backspace
Delete forward word
- Windows : Ctrl + Delete
- Mac : Cmd + Delete
- Linux : Ctrl + Delete
Deleting a line
- Windows : Ctrl + X
- Mac : Cmd + X
- Linux : Ctrl + X
add cursor above/down
- Windows : Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down
- Mac : Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down
- Linux : Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down
That’s all what i can share for you, I hope that can speed up your coding.
Thanks for reading and don’t forget to clap this article 👌.