How To Fix Screen Tearing on Kali Linux 2020 (XFCE)

Afiv Dicky Efendy
2 min readAug 13, 2020


Hi .Lately I have been very annoyed by the graphics problem in Kali Linux or also known as screen tearing. then finally after looking for ways to fix it I found a solution and I will share it here. All you need to do is rip out XFCE’s compositor and replace it with a different one, in this case Compton.

  • Open Windows Task Manager Tweaks

Uncheck the box to “Enable display compositing.” Apply the settings.

  • Open Terminal

Install compton. It’s an independent compositor that works very well with lightweight desktops.

sudo apt install compton
  • Open Session and Startup

Go to Application Autostart

Add this command:

/usr/bin/compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl-swc
Session and Startup

Save and Reboot.



Afiv Dicky Efendy

Linux enthusiast who wants to share his knowledge through writing on the medium